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The dialogue among different cultures

The fact that people of different culture, religion and language coexist in the modern societies has created a series of problems such as poverty, social exclusion, discriminations, violence, abuse and exploitation, the consequences of which mainly affect the children.

This fact led the UN to designate the year 2001 as the “Year of Dialogue among Civilisations'”, aiming to point out that the way for a peaceful and harmonious coexistence of people in the modern societies, passes through the mutual understanding of people, the acknowledgement and acceptance of the diversity concerning colour, language, tradition, mentalities….

For the promotion of this dialogue the role of culture and education is decisive; i.e. it is necessary and imperative to create a new form of school education with emphasis to the teaching of Peace, which will considerably contribute to the elimination of discrimination, crisis, conflicts and prejudice that the multiculturalism and diversity create.

For this aim, the “Foundation for the Child and the Family” fights for the promotion of cross-cultural dialogue and collaborates with UNESCO and non governmental organisations such as the “Jordan River Foundation” of Queen Rania of Jordan.

In the frame of its action, it has created the Early Childhood Resource and Training Centre in Bethlehem as well as the Multicultural Children Centre "Athina" in Belgrade. It has, further, organised the international conference entitled “Modern Societies - Multicultural Coexistence - The Position of the Child”, the exhibition of paintings by women artists from the Islamic world entitled "Breaking the veil" as well as an exhibition with "Traditional and Contemporary Handicrafts from Jordan".

Moreover, the President of the “Foundation for the Child and the Family”, Ms Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, participated in the first International Youth Forum for Peace organised in Sharm El Sheikh, with the initiative of "The Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement".